Saturday 04 May 2024

Gaza 22-day War
and change of war rules

Qodsna Editorial Board

Tehran (Qodsna) - After 14 years, the consequences of the 22-day War are becoming more and more apparent for the Zionist regime. Today the conflict equation has changed completely. The Israeli army has come to believe that it will not be able to win the Gaza equation. Gaza is much stronger today than it was 14 years ago. It is not comparable to Gaza in 2006.


January 19th has been named the Day of Gaza in the Iranian calendar. The fact that the MPs in Iran’s Parliament have dedicated a day to the resistance of the Palestinian people is an emphasis on the priority of the Palestinian issue in Iran. It also emphasizes that resistance is the only way for nations to achieve freedom and reach the pinnacle of prosperity and independence. There is also an emphasis on the need to eliminate the main cause of corruption and insecurity in the region, which is the malignant gland of the Zionist regime.


On January 19, 2009, Palestine's first full-scale war with the Zionist occupiers ended with the acceptance of a ceasefire by both sides. A war that lasted 22 days and became known as the 22-day war in the history of Palestinian developments. The war, which the Zionists admit, was a major defeat for them and completely shattered the grandeur of Israel's war machine. The emptiness of the Zionist regime had been revealed in the war with Hezbollah in Lebanon less than two years before the 22-day war. Because Gaza was under siege and lacked any support, it did not allow the Israeli war machine to reoccupy Gaza and achieve its goals.


This failure was a great tragedy for the Zionist army, which in 1967 occupied Gaza in less than half an hour after the defeat of the Egyptian army, but in this war, Israel activated its modernized war machine for 22 days but failed.


Today, after 14 years, the consequences of this war are becoming more and more apparent for the Zionist regime. Today the conflict equation has changed completely. The Israeli army has come to believe that it will not be able to win the Gaza equation. Gaza is much stronger today than it was 14 years ago. It is not comparable to Gaza in 2006.


Gaza has reached a stage of deterrence where the Zionists are trying not to give an excuse to start a war against the Gaza resistance, while they used to attack Gaza with or without an excuse.


The rules of conflict have changed completely. Gaza has grown significantly in terms of weapons and military equipment. There are many long-range, anti-radar, smart, and precise missiles in the Gaza missile arsenal, which heavily damaged the Zionist enemy in the operation of Sword of al-Quds. The resistance groups in Gaza had to import these missiles through a multi-layered siege into Gaza, but today they are producing their weapons.


Resistance groups’ ability in the production and use of drones has also grown significantly and has become one of the most important concerns of the Zionist regime.


The resistance groups in Gaza in the 22-day war and the continuation of its successes have increased the hope for the liberation of the homeland and the removal of Israel from the political geography of the region and the world, especially in the Palestinian society. The developments of May 2021 are based on this hope for the future. The quantitative and qualitative development of anti-Zionist operations in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank is also the result of this hope. Today, Palestinian society is more powerful than at any other point in history. On the other hand, the Zionist regime is in a state of weakness and inability that, according to the Zionist experts and media, they never imagined, and of course, there is no hope of recovering its lost power.


The Day of Gaza is truly the day of resistance and the day of showing the will of a nation that is determined to create changes, and it follows resistance to reach its ideals.

News-ID: SH-60

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